martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

You can be anything that you want even after life!

End of November 2010 when I was round at Benjami's studio he was painting several canvases for a coming up exhibition together with 2 other painter friends of his. I cannot remember the exact title they were going to give the exhibition. I'll find out tomorrow when I meet up with Benja. I think the title of the exhibition was "La danza de la muerte" "the dance of death". Unfortunately the exhibition never took place. But who knows maybe we can convince all 3 artists to try setting it up once again.

In this video below Benja is finishing off one of his "dance of death" paintings. I have filmed another painting of the same theme, but Benjami explained the painting to me in Spanish. I was lazily trying to avoid having to translate and sub-title anything. But I will try to get round to it as I just love entering Benjami's paintings when he explains them to you, they feel as though they are coming alive. They take on a completely different perspective.
What about suggesting that they set up the exhibition in a Mexican exhibition centre?

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